Fires of Prometheus


The museum collection includes a number of different types of coal carrying wagons. They range from a simple wooden (probable) example (RM54) to large steel-bodied hopper wagons (RM42 and RM43). There are a number of intermediate versions based on a simple rectangular tub, again ranging from small examples (RM23 and RM32) to large versions (RM29 and RM30). Apart from the undated but probably early wooden tub RM 54 most of these wagons probably date from the 1950s and 1960s. All are in poor condition and require urgent conservation measures. By themselves they are not particularly spectacular objects, though basic research suggests that few examples of these once-common vehicles have survived the demise of the UK coal industry (though see Memorialisation below.

Last updated 9th November 2019

Coal tub
Steel coal tub (RM30).

A Smallman Clip
Wooden coal tub? (RM54).

Coal tub
Steel coal tub (RM29).

Coal tub
Steel coal hopper (RM42).